I went to paint pottery a few weeks ago on Ladies' Night at Firefly Pottery Studio. I thought it would be fun to cut vinyl with my Silhouette and apply it to some pottery to get better precision and detail. However, I didn't have time to learn how to cut vinyl before having to leave the house. So I just cut a few shapes out of printer paper, figuring that I'd trace one. The owner of the pottery studio shared a new technique that I LOVE!
1) Moisten the cut paper shape with water and carefully lay it on the pottery (you have to paint the pottery first so it will stick, otherwise it absorbs the water and the paper falls off).
2) Then you just paint over it! I did 3 layers with a sponge (a brush might tear it).
3) Carefully remove the paper
4) Wait patiently while the nice people fire your pottery. Voila!
I should have taken pictures mid-process, but I didn't think of it. I can't wait to go back and do it again!
here's another one: